Saturday, December 20, 2008

First Snow Fun!!!


Elijah finally had his first snow experience! Let us be clear. We live in Minnesota, so we've had snow for a while, but we finally took him out to play in it just before Christmas. We have a little guy sled thanks to our neighbors, Troy and Lori. Here's the story:

Elijah didn't quite know what we were up to.
He gave us many looks that said, "are you serious?"

Dad pulled him around the yard. Dad had fun even if Elijah was unimpressed.

The verdict: Elijah is a daredevil. He likes to chew on electrical cords, pet ferocious German Shepherds (Bert), eat Cheerios, and play with toys for 18+ month-old kids. He was not impressed with this slow sledding around the yard. Soon we'll take him to the park with the big hill where he can do his baby sledding stunts.

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