Friday, December 31, 2010

Helicopter + 2 year old = EXCITEMENT!

Ever since we visited Elijah's Godparents last summer Elijah has been asking for helicopters. For while he would pray for helicopters and Kevin each night before bed, then he started to say that Santa would bring him a helicopter. Christmas morning...he got a HELICOPTER! Good times followed!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Camera Moves!

The Brecht family got a new camera for Christmas (thanks Grandma and Grandpa!), and I tried to get Elijah to do something fun to test it out. Here's what we got our of our shoot. Why do little kids think it is hilarious to knock over towers and talk jibberish?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Typical Breakfast

We have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We believe that it is important to start every day out right... just like this.

Future Body Builder

Elijah decided to show off his guns one afternoon. Fun stuff.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Elijah Claims that he is Getting Married!

Today we all decided to sleep in and have a nice family morning. Elijah ate 2 pieces of toast and 1 piece of sausage while wearing swimming goggles and making rocket ship sounds.
Here is a verbatim of the conversation that Gail and Elijah had later in the morning.

Elijah: "I'm getting married."

Gail: "Who are you going to marry?"

Elijah: "I'm going to marry Christmas."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hi to all who check out our blog faithfully. Our apologies that we do not update it faithfully! What is life like right now?
1. Gail and I are in full swing with classes again. We are both as busy as we've ever been with classes and extra responsibilities (I have still not learned the art of saying, "no").

2. Elijah is potty training. We seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel and it appears as though he has nearly gotten it down....and then one of the Brecht family is cleaning up poo again. (hint, it is usually not Elijah doing the cleaning)

3. Gail and I are playing a lot of music again since I am on the staff to coordinate daily chapel music this year. It has been great for us to be able to play together more often!

4. Elijah now sings Mary Had a Little Lamb on key! He has not composed any symphonies yet, but we figure that singing in tune is a good start!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Elijah of the Jungle

Well, Elijah can talk quite well these days. However sometimes he reverts to animal sounds. The sounds are ok, but we like the faces that, apparently, have to accompany the sounds. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Birthday Footage...FINALLY!

Hi everyone,

It has been a long, long time since we uploaded any video! We are slackers when it comes to blogging. But here is some footage of Elijah's 2nd birthday parties. Hopefully be motivated and get some more fun videos rolling again soon!

I'd like a #5 with extra cheese...

Cal wouldn't get me a burger today!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Josh has now started chaplain education in Iowa City, so Elijah and Gail get to do a lot of swimming and farming this summer!

Elijah learned about herbacide this week

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's About Time!

For all of you who check our blog regularly, sorry that we haven't updated in a long, long time! Gail is now a full-time seminary student, as well, so time is a rare and precious commodity in our home. Elijah will be turning two at the end of this week. In preparation for his birthday we have decided to post a couple of videos Gail was able to sneak with her phone! Elijah has figured out how to turn on the alarm-clock radio in his bedroom. Here's what happens.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Footage from last summer!!!

Hi friends! We found this footage from last summer and thought that it might be enjoyable! Fun times, indeed!

Guyana Highlight with new WORKING video! Enjoy!

Guyana Highlight with new WORKING video! Enjoy!