Friday, September 19, 2008

6 months already?

Elijah is 6 months old today! He's SO BIG! We like to play that game. He's good at standing up (with help) and is just starting to realize that applesauce is FOOD. Babies make REALLY funny faces when they first learn to eat. Unfortunately, I always laugh so hard at Elijah's faces when I'm trying to take his picture that all the pictures are blurry. That and we're just enjoying him, instead of taking millions of pictures. But soon, there will be more pictures to post.

He had his 6 month doctor's appointment today. He weighs 16 lbs. 8 oz. (30%) is 27" long (75%) and his head is 17.25" (50%). Thank GOD. It looks like he's got his dad's height... so far. He did really well and smiled at the nurse a lot, and listened to everything the doctor said. He didn't like his shots... but who does? He cried for a bit, and then started sucking his fingers. He's such a big, strong boy. We're SO proud of him!!

We're going to go out to dinner tonight to celebrate. (Mostly for mom and dad.) But maybe a cute waitress will give him a big kiss on the cheek!

Happy 6 month Birthday, Elijah! We love you!

Monday, September 8, 2008


We've been reading to Elijah a lot more now that he is more social and can pay attention to new things and colors and objects. He really likes the book, "Corduroy" which was given to him by our great friends (his godparents) Kevin and Abbie.

He sings to his books sometimes, and will roll over on his belly to get a better look at the pictures.

Elijah's godmother (Abbie) made this beautiful handmade Corduroy quilt for his baptism, and gave us the corresponding book. Isn't it awesome? I think Elijah likes it.

What do you think?

Sometimes he likes to look at me when I read to him. We both think Abbie's quilt is super comfy. We have good tummy time on it together.

Thanks for the beautiful gifts, Abbie! They're perfect!
We love you and can't wait to see you soon!
Love, Gail & Elijah

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Yam What I Yam

Elijah's new favorite toy is an octopus. Aunt Vera Lee gave this great gift to him... it plays some classical music when you squeeze it's head.

He absolutely LOVES the music it plays. He really likes music in general. But he does NOT like when the music stops. Especially when the music on his octopus stops. He hasn't quite figured out how to make it start just yet. So when the music stops, he makes his popeye face.


Then he eats some canned spinach and punches you in the face.

He says, "I yam what I yam" and kindly asks you to squeeze the octopus again.

It's a great life.