Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Best Day Ever... or Not?

It's been a a big 24 hours in Brechtopia. On Thursday night he slept for two- 4 hour stretches. It was like mom and dad almost got 8 hours of sleep! Glorious! Then Uncle Cal and Dad noticed that the washing machine as making a "click-click-click" sound rather than a "swoosh-woosh..vruuuummmmmmm" sound like normal. That can't be good. "It sounds like a belt," said Uncle Cal. "I guess we should take a look at it," said dad.

So... we took the entire back panel and top controls off. Then we realized that we didn't need to do that, we only had to tip it over on it's front. So we put it BACK together, tipped it over... And sure enough, the Motor and isolation coupling was broken. You might ask yourself, "what the heck is a motor and isolation coupling?" We didn't know either. But we could see what was broken, and after several websites, phone calls, and high hopes... we found the issue and found a local place that had the replacement part. My phone calls:
"Hi this is whirlpool, can I help you?"
Yeah, I have a broken washer. Need a new motor coupling put in. What would it cost to have someone come out?
"It is a minimum of $70 to have someone look at it. If they fix anything, parts and labor is extra."

So I call AC Carlson Appliances:
"Hi, can I help you?"
Yeah, do you have a motor coupling for a whirlpool?
"Yes, it's $18"
I'll be there.

So $20 and 2 hours later... Cal and Josh fixed the washer! We have conquered the universe!

So things were good. Elijah slept A LOT during the day. Which meant... that LAST night he slept for two hours... was up for three hours... slept for 1 hour... was up for an hour...

Elijah felt like this, this morning:

Mom and Dad felt more like this:

And we still love him with all of our hearts!
He's the only guy I know that can wake you up all night long, scream at you, poop on you, rearrange your entire schedule to conform with his, and you still look at him like he is the greatest gift in the world.

1 comment:

Nattylite said...

I think I went through this 6 months ago. Congrats you guys on a handsome baby boy. He is so precious. Jus think he will sleep the entire night...soon! Really he will!