Sunday, February 15, 2009

World's Strongest 10-Month-Old Contest!

Today we decided to have a strong man contest at our house. You know... like the World's Strongest Man competitions you see on TV? Elijah was the champion, and the only contender worth reporting on. Here is the story!

First, Elijah wrestled his dad.
What better way to prove strength than by taking down your old man!

The quick take down:

The Wind-Pipe Crusher:

The Rold's Gold Pretzel Hold:

The Handcuff Backbreaker:

The Super-Slap:

Elijah celebrated by showing off the guns...

Elijah wrestled a ferocious tiger... and dominated.

After the hand-to-hand combat category, Big E moved on to the raw strength portion:

The Log Roll:

The Roadie Award Amp Lift:
(He is lifting a 1976 Gibson Skylark with a Celestion Vintage 10)

Now we get to the serious stuff; The Car Lift:

And finally, the main event...
the Tower of Power...
Elijah Brecht will pull a car across the living room!!!

1 comment:

Peterson! said...

You are too funny! Tying a rope around your baby for entertainment. Awesome!