Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Friends

Auntie Brittany was FINALLY able to come to visit me this week while daddy was gone on a mission trip to Duluth. Mommy said she was a lot of help, but I don't know why. All we did was play and laugh and smile and poop our pants. Auntie Brittany is pretty much mommy's sister. They did everything together growing up next door to each other. Everyone thought they were sisters, and they get crazy when they're around one another. They laughed and laughed and laughed, especially when I pooped my pants all the time. I think my loud noises made them laugh so much. I'm glad Brittany could come to visit. Here's why:

She read me stories in English and Spanish.

She watched while I showed her all about the new toys I've discovered. She says they're called, "Feet." Boy, that's a funny name for toys!

She chewed on my other chew toys with me. (Don't tell her that she's not as good at drooling as me. I don't want to hurt her self-esteem or anything.)

Then we acted like crazy monkeys together. I even dressed up for the occasion. I made ALL the sound effects, and she made all the faces. We're a pretty good team.

It was a great visit with Auntie Brittany. I'm sad she had to leave. She said she had to see HER mommy in Parachutteses or some place far away. Maybe they'll act like crazy monkeys together too!

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